Saturday, April 6, 2013

It's Book Reviewing Time

How long has it been since my last blog post? A while? Don’t remind me.

However, I would like to offer this exciting piece of news! I am going to be posting weekly book reviews of books that I am reading. You see, for a while, I was the type of person who would make semi-passionate speeches about how e-readers are destroying our culture and the book industry, blah blah blah. It was exactly the type of argument a ranting and not-quite-believing person with a case of sour grapes would make. I would like to point out that I do not actually believe in that argument; in fact, I believe e-readers are perhaps enabling people to read more, such as having an iPod might cause you to listen to music more often. It is the sort of speech I would make though, as I often try to rationalize why I do not want what I want. Needless to say, it rarely works. (Once, when I was a very immature person in eighth grade told my best friend that, when she got a cell phone, she was going to get cancer because I read an article about it in the New York Times. Wasn't I horrible eighth grader??)

Long story short, I was allowed to have my mom’s old Nook Color (she got a Galaxy tablet for her birthday, and man, that thing is the bomb!) and I immediately set about buying any book I have read and liked or any book I was interested in reading. So now, having read quite a few books (6 exactly, not including re-reads) in 2 weeks), I have decided to start reviewing the books and leaving them here on my blog for other people’s enjoyment. I cannot promise that there will be any sort of pattern or genre that I will choose (I like pretty much anything, as long as it is well-written), but I can promise weekly book reviews!

Feel free to leave your thoughts about the book or about my review, whether you agreed, disagreed, whichever. Also, I love getting suggestions for books, so feel free to leave recommendations! 

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