Friday, December 14, 2012

Just a Few Recommendations

So I'm still studying abroad in London (for those few followers out there) and I wanted to just write something. I have a blog, too, but I didn't feel like studying or writing on that. 

Here are some things I recently read/watched/heard and I would like to recommend them to you!
The Divergent/Insurgent series by Veronica Roth. My friend/roommate said I should read them a while back, but I didn't have time and didn't have money to buy them, but recently I read them on her Kindle and they're very good! If you liked the Hunger Games, you'd like this book series. 
The Hobbit: close to the book, stunning visually, great acting, great action scenes, good comedic bits, some pretty attractive dwarves, enjoyable story line etc. Just go see it. 
Skyfall: Better than Quantum of Solace, Daniel Craig is hot, a throwback to the sixties sort of and just a good time. 
Infinity scarves: Never know how to wear your scarf? Do I loop it or sort of tie it? The infinity scarf solves all your problems! Or, as they call them here, a snood. Also, I know these have been out for a while, I just haven't bought any until sort of recently. 
Nutella: Because that's always enjoyable. Ain't nobody that don't like Nutella! (+1 for those who read that sentence like Eddie Murphy)
The Hobbit soundtrack and War Horse soundtrack: AMAZING MUSIC. So beautiful. Just listen. 
Fingerless Gloves: because why not?
English Breakfast Tea: SO GOOD. If you like black tea, that is. If not, I can't help you there. 
Michael McIntrye: He's a British comedian, but he's really funny. 
Fuzzy socks: When, in the history of ever, has anyone ever put a pair of fuzzy warm socks on their cold feet and said "This is not helping my problem. I am not comfortable or happy." Plus, you can do that Risky Business scene if you want! Moonwalking is a lot easier with soft socks and a "slidey" floor. 

And that's it for me! If you have any recommendations for me, comment with them below and I will consider them and have a good Christmas! 


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