Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Space Cowboys

When someone tells me I need to watch or listen to something, I usually resist until I discover that thing on my own. For some odd reason, I don't immediately listen to people's suggestions, yet I get frustrated when I suggest things to people and they don't immediately take me up on it. I'm weird.

But this isn't about me (ha ha procrastination), it's about space cowboys. Hence the title.

"But there aren't any cows in space!" you might say, or even "Have you seen Cowboys and Aliens? Not a good movie." To the first sentence, I say... um... there isn't enough conclusive evidence. To the second, I would have to admit that I haven't, but I really wanted to, and even if you say it's not a great movie, I'm probably going to watch it sometime anyway without high expectations.
Look at all those attractive people representing 3 different ethnicities. 

I am referring to the magnificent show, Firefly. And before I get a backlash of people saying that show has been all over the internet and has been out since 2002 and what am I doing with my life, I would like to counter with- WHAT ON EARTH IS THAT????

[peeks out] Are they gone? Who's left? Only you? Excuse me while I heave a deep sigh and look exasperated. Alright, you'll have to do. As I was saying, I know the show has been out for a while, but to be fair, I wasn't properly introduced to the internet until 2010 or 2011! I know! Yeah, I had been one of those kids who watch Homestar Runner (if you haven't already seen any of this, I recommend you do if you like the internet in general, but then again, maybe you won't. I don't know you! It may also still be funny to me because I watched it when I was younger and have that nostalgic tie to it. You never know.) and watched Youtube occasionally, but my senior year of high school I was introduced to DeviantArt and then my freshman year of college, I was introduced to... the REST of the internet. Well, the go-able places. I have yet to visit the underbelly of the internet, like 4Chan, but that's something I plan to put off as LONG as possible. [shudder]

So excuse me while I rant and rave about Firefly because I watched the entire show (not difficult since there was only one season of 14 episodes, CURSE YOU JOSS WHEDON! It's ok, I still love you for the Avengers) and the follow up movie, Serenity.

Space. Cowboys. What a brilliant idea. I know the movie Cowboys vs. Aliens wasn't so good, but the concept is great! I'm all for mixing things to that respect; my mom can't stand anachronisms, so watching Moulin Rouge with her (modern songs sung in the 1900's really pushed her buttons), but I love that they can have the best (and worst) of the past and future. My father also loves Western movies, like the Magnificent 7, Tombstone, Silverado, any movie with John Wayne. Personally, I draw the line at John Wayne (I don't think he's THAT good of an actor), but I, too, like Westerns. I also like space and sci-fi, so this is the perfect marriage of space and the West.

ESPECIALLY the Wild Wild West. Go on Will Smith, get jiggy with it!

Now let's talk more specifically about the characters. Silly Wash, flippant/handsome/headstrong smuggler Malcolm Reynolds, the kickass take-no-crap-from-anyone Zoe, the sweet and loveable Kaylee, the crazy and unintelligent Jayne, the beautiful Inara, the wise Shephard Book, the handsome/unflappable/proper Simon and his crazy and slightly morbid sister, River. All these different characters means everyone can pick their favorite! I don't know who my favorite is; I love them all and the interactions between them, but I think a better representation of good writing is that I don't hate any of them; I enjoy them all for different reasons, and depending on the episode, I love some more than others. River kind of annoyed me at first because she couldn't keep it together, but she's grown on me.

I also love the writing; the jobs they pull, the subtle relationships between characters and thankfully, the lack of love triangles. If I see one more show with a love triangle as the main plot point, I will go to Hollywood just to strangle some writers. I think it's great that they sometimes mumble in Chinese; a lot of people may not know about the very large Asian community that settled in the West. And the one-liners, how those lines fill me with joy. There's even an entire video dedicated to the best Firefly quotes!

I should also put in that I am not a big "drama fan", and not in the sense of those annoying girls who complain that they just HATE drama, but then they start talking behind their friend's back the next possible opportunity. I mean I hate drama in the sense that I actually hate drama. I hate it when my friends are mad at each other, I don't like when people blow things out of proportion, I really don't like conflict and I despise shows that thrive on drama, such as soap operas, the last few seasons of Alias, Gossip Girl, CBS dramas etc. That being said, it's a good guess that I'm a bigger fan of adventure and comedy, for instance, light hearted shows about people who have adventures and get into shenanigans while they crack jokes and each episode usually ends happily. Hence the reason I love Doctor Who and another guilty pleasure was the TV series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Not the movie. I've never seen the movie, nor do I plan to.

So that's me, being the Slowpoke meme. I'll let this picture say 1,000 late words for me.

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