Friday, November 9, 2012

Guy Fawkes Day

This may be late in regards to when Guy Fawkes Night actually was (if you can't remember what day that was, check Facebook statuses), but I figure later is better than never right?

False. Contracting a disease is better never than later.

Bonfire Night means that here in the UK, people drink, watch fireworks, set up a bonfire and sometimes burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes. For everyone else, it means watching V for Vendetta and posting a status about it, usually a quote from the movie. "Remember, remember the 5th of November!"  "Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
He's just misunderstood, like the Phantom of the Opera! He should totally be allowed to kill people and or blow up stuff! I bet Michael Bay would love to re-direct this one....

Now I'm not saying that I don't think these are good quotes or that V for Vendetta is a bad movie; on the contrary! I quite like that movie; I think the acting is incredible, the concept is refreshing and the writing is very good. However, I don't like that suddenly, just because it's November 5th, everyone from the US thinks it's their time to shine as anarchists and take someone else's writing and make themselves seem more intelligent. I mean, I do that with comedy shows and comedians all the time to make myself seem funnier, but that's a totally different ball of yarn. They're COMPLETELY different. Just believe me, okay? People steal jokes in comedy all the time! That makes it ok, right?

But on a lighter note, I didn't do anything for Guy Fawkes Day and I'm in the UK! Two years ago, while visiting a friend, we threw a Bonfire Night, and that involved drinking mulled wine and burning thrift store clothes stuffed with straw in a garbage can. We're so badass, guys! We burn effigies and drink mulled wine in moderation! Somebody stop me! I'm kidding though. We drank way more than just mulled wine! We also drank Mike's Hard Lemonade.

So those are my thoughts on Bonfire Night. Totally not relevant because that was at least 4 days ago. Damn my procrastination!

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