Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Words Escape Me

Why don't I ever write anything down? I have clever or witty phrases that sometimes pop into my head, but the second I try to make something up on the spot, such as the title of something (cough cough this blog), I choke and any inspiration is gone. That's something I need to work on.

Where are my manners? I immediately just jump into the first thing I can think of without any sort of preamble or introduction. How rude. Sure, I don't really have linear thinking most of the time and it feels like words/thoughts/ideas/all of the above are racing through my head faster than my mouth can speak them or my fingers can write them, but don't let that deter you from reading this!

So here goes at my first attempt at a not-yet-derailed train of thought. Don't be surprised if this "train" gets derailed or robbed Western style, though. It's been known to happen.

Alrighy then! My name is Bridget, but I go by many nicknames. BKlass, Brumble Bee, Brumble (or any clever variation of Brumble, such as Brumbledore, Brumblestiltskin, Brumblaya [like Jambalaya] etc), Brumblebrahm, Bee, Brigita Anita (my middle name is Anne), Beyonce (there's a story behind that one), Goose (and that one), and more. Maybe I'll make a post explaining my nicknames later. Anyway, I'm a college student from the good ole Midwest America and I enjoy a lot of things, such as alliteration, rhyming, words that just "go together", blatant use of parentheses (as evidenced by this blog), Pixar/Dreamworks/Disney, coffee, funny tv shows, reading, drawing, laughing, soundtrack music, and the color teal.

People, and by people I of course mean my easily amused friends, have been encouraging me to start a blog or a Youtube vlog or something along those lines. So here I am, creating my first official blog! I started a Tumblr account a while back, but that thing is mostly for pictures and "fangirling" over stuff.

The only problem with a vlog is that requires me to be in front of a camera, which will a)wipe my mind blank because I can't think on the spot apparently, b) require me to be funny or original on camera, c) damage my self esteem, and/or d) suck up all my time editing videos. Maybe one day. But writing is something that I hope I'm much better at and something that comes more naturally. It is a recurring nightmare of mine that one day I wake up and this thought suddenly occurs to me: You're not funny and you're not a good writer. But hey, that would be a good excuse to go on a marvelous and exciting journey to discover how to be better at those two things.

But I figure I'd better wrap this up pretty soon. The point is that I am going to London with 3 friends in the fall to study abroad, and this will be a great way to journal about our adventures and keep friends and family (and maybe strangers? I don't know, I haven't planned that far ahead yet) in the loop. And maybe this will help improve my writing and allow me to work on getting my voice through the words. Maybe.

So please follow! I hope my ramblings keep you entertained and I will try to update this every day.... [insert raucous laughter here] OK, sorry, I couldn't say that with a straight face. I will try to update every week, and not just when I realize I haven't written in two years. There's got to be enough out there for me to talk about, right?


1 comment:

  1. WOWZA!!!! Imma follow you. Plus, I really like the layout of your blog. I think I need to overhaul mine....
