Thursday, September 6, 2012

What time is it? Creative time!

Okay. I think I'm ready.
Diet Coke? Check.
Inspirational soundtrack music? Check.
Comfy couch? Check.
Laptop? Check.

No, wait! It's not gone!
Hey, internet. I admit I have a lot of problems with motivation, much like a lot of other people, I'm sure. I'm also almost certain that that lack of motivation stems from a lack of confidence in my abilities (or it's just plain ole laziness), but whatever it is, I have a lot of trouble following through with stuff. For instance, since I last posted (which was too long ago), I had about 5 ideas of what I thought would be funny or interesting (for me, the two are mutually exclusive) blog posts. And did I follow up on that and actually write those?

NO. No, I did not. But hey, here I am, intending to actually DO ALL THE THINGS FOR REASONS. The motivational music helps. It's mostly just stuff from Finding Nemo, Thor, How to Train Your Dragon etc. And to be fair, this blog was originally set up with the intention of writing about my study abroad experiences in England, and it still is! But why not shoot some more creative energy at this? That's what I always say.

So. England. I'm getting excited again! For a while, the excitement waned because everyone was leaving or already gone for school (one of my friends is studying in New York for a semester; VERY COOL) and September seemed like a long ways off without anyone to hang out with or anything to do. If I worked, I'd go to work and when I came home, I'd waste the rest of my day. If I didn't work, I'd waste my day. See a pattern? No? Yeah, neither do I.

But now, London is less than two weeks away! And I still have some stuff to do to prepare! Not a lot of it, just some smaller things. I got a lot of stuff for my trip recently, such as a suitcase, outlet converters, an Oyster card for the Underground, which for everyone else who doesn't watch British media is their subway system essentially, and a U.K. telephone. And it's less than two weeks away! Technically, it's twelve days away! And therefore, I am excited again. It has also helped watching British YouTube vlogs, especially the ones where they go about London, because THOSE ARE THINGS I'LL BE DOING!! Drinking tea, taking the tube, hearing English accents, just generally being in England!

Besides, this blog is helpful in the fact that it kind of helps me from not going insane with boredom or excess creativity. It's like I want to do something, but everything I think of, I don't want to do. I have 3 creative projects I need to start/work on/finish and I have those other technical issues to take care of and then ordinary life on top of that.

To the Batcave! What? We got rid of that? Ah, fine. I'll settle for my backyard.